Integration with VB.Net, C#

Tally - XML: To work with Tally DLL, you need to have a basic understanding about XML and XML tags.

Functions: Sends a request to the Tally Software and returns the status message in form of XML message/tags.

Events: Events listens the status change and progress


  • PUSH data into Tally

    The DLL allows you to programmatically create, modify or delete any Master record or Voucher record in Tally.
  • Special Functions to Create Ledger/Groups

    Simple functions to create ledgers and groups in Tally with ledger objects that wrapped in the dll.
  • PULL data from Tally

    It can be used to programmatically pull Master's data or Vouchers. You can also fetch reports in XML, SDF and HTML formats.
  • Asynchronous Processing

    Push/Pull data in separate thread that will not affect the UI if tally server responds slowly.